It was the greatest honour to be invited to be the Mercy Hospital for Women's first ever Ambassador for their NICU fundraiser, the Mother's Day High Tea Luncheon. I was so humbled to share our NICU story with a ballroom full of people and to meet some amazing colleagues and new friends on the day.
The NICU is somewhere we never wanted to be and yet we did end up there and I like to think we’ve turned that terrifying time into a positive for our family and others. I will be giving back to NICUs and the global NICU community as long as I can as I’m so grateful for the Mercy NICU giving us our beautiful boy and all of the wonderful things that have come out of that scary time since then. Thank you to the staff at Mercy NICU and the Mercy Health Foundation for entrusting me with this special role and inviting me back again for next year, I cannot wait to see how much we can raise for you in the future.
Extra special thanks to my husband Aaron for volunteering his time and being the event photographer for the day and to my wonderful table of friends. We've all met through the NICU in some capacity or you've been an amazing volunteer for NICU Cheer and to have you there with me on the day helped not only my nerves, but made it an event to remember forever. Love you all very much xox.