In 2020 NICU Cheer deliveries were our biggest + best yet as I am so happy to report we took on two more hospitals & managed to deliver on more days despite all of the Covid restrictions + protocols. I am so proud of what we were able to do spreading cheer to NICU families despite all the hurdles of 2020.
This year we so grateful for the corporate sponsorship support from: Westfield Local Heroes Awards, Pinchapoo, Officeworks, Grill'd Burgers, Bidibots, Nelson Alexander Real Estate, Every Tiny Thing, Earlybirds, Delfin Swinwear, Bliss Bouquets Melbourne, Urbanbar Design, Miracle Mumma, Just Adorable, Tiny Tots + more.
On Christmas Day we sent out truckloads of goodies in 250 NICU Cheer gift-bags for parents at 5 major hospitals:
Mercy Hospital for Women NICU
Royal Women's Hospital NICU
Monash Children's NICU
The Royal Children's Hospital NICU
Joan Kirner Women + Children's Hospital NICU
+ hampers for the staff + family rooms too. It takes a village to do what we do so THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU of donate, volunteer, pack and help in so many many ways, I appreciate all of it so much!
As with our previous years Dr Gillian (our son's NICU Dr) has been on hand to help us with delivery at our original NICU (our son's one at Mercy) and all of the wonderful NUMs (NICU Unit Managers) at all 5 hospitals who I liaise with in the hospitals are just wonderful.
Then the cherry on top was being asked by Channel 7 News to go into the NICU with them to help hand out the first bags for Christmas Day 2020. What an honour and such a lovely gift to receive just before Christmas.