After meetings with the absolutely wonderful staff at the Monash Health Foundation (Monash Children's Hospital) and the Northern Health Foundation (Northern Hospital) I am so pleased to say we will from now on be supporting an additional five neotal units across greater Melbourne taking our total to nine hospitals receiving NICU Cheer gifts on the four special days.
The neonatal units being added are at Dandenong Hospital, Casey Hospital, Sandringham Hospital and Northern Hospital. This late in the year I cannot do full bags for all of them this next delivery, but I am pulling together what I can for them and from next year eight of the hospitals will receive our full bags on all of the days and the RCH will receive our Snuggle Hearts only from this Christmas Day with other items TBC by their Foundation after changes to their gifting-in-kind rules.
We pack all of the bags for this Christmas Day next week on Saturday 2nd December. Cannot wait to do something special for so many more families this Christmas.